
Using a theme

Just add the following line in the end of the head tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<link to your style>.css">

Theme list

Slipshow comes with its set of themes.

  • Theme Vanier:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

If you want your theme

Writing a theme

You need to define the css of at least the following attributes:

  • The rule #universe for the canvas,

  • The rule slip-slip for the slips,

  • The rule slip-title for slip titles,

  • The rule slip-body for the inside of the slips,

  • The rule .emphasize for emphasized content,

  • The rules .block, .theorem, .lemma, .definition, .example, .corollary, .remark, with special rules when they have the attribute title defined,

  • The rule .cpt-slip for the counter (bottom right by default),

  • The rules .toc-slip and .toc-slip li for the table of content,

  • The rule .toc-slip .before for the entries of the table of content already seen,

  • The rule .toc-slip .current for the entry of the table of content where we are,

  • The rule .toc-slip .after for the entries of the table of content to come,

  • The rule .toc-slip .toc-function for the entries of the table of content that are clickable,

You can also add any additionnal rules, such as h1, that are not specific to slipshow.